Support Your Local Small Business - By Blake Monar

Support Your Local Small Business By Blake Monar

First and foremost, I want to thank all of you for your support for Statum Style on “Small Business Saturday and throughout this entire year.  Operating a small business in the middle of a pandemic is no easy task.  It’s no secret that salons and barbershops were forced to shut down or drastically lower their capacity amidst this pandemic. Given we wholesale to stylists across the country, those regulations significantly impacted our sales  Consequently, your support and online orders couldn’t be more appreciated. Luckily for us, we have been fortunate to continue sales through our online store allowing us to continue business and survive.  Unfortunately for many stylists and shop owners across the country, they don’t have that luxury. Many of these people have worked for decades or more dreaming of opening their own space, often spending their life savings in order to live out their dream.  It’s truly saddening to see so many amazing stylists struggle to stay open.  So, if you are able financially, I'm asking you not to box dye your hair they take such care of or buy clippers for an in-home haircut. Now, more than ever, salons and barbershops (and small businesses around the country) need your support. Lastly, thank you all so much for supporting my small business, Statum Style, which allows me to live out my dream, and encourage you to do the same with as many others as possible this holiday season and into 2021! -Blake Monar

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